VL separator Excel spreadsheet updated to version 0.9

I’ve recently updated the Vapour liquid separator excel spreadsheet to version 0.9, with the correction of some minor bugs and the addition of new functions, as a more accurate weight calculation that now partly depends on the material used and some advises made by the program to improve the sizing of the vessel.

In the next version I’ve planned to add other functionalities:

  • Internal sizing (for the moment their selection is mostly cosmetic).
  • More detailed sizing of demisters and vane packs.
  • Preliminary cost estimation of the vessel
  • More advises

You can download the program  HERE, and below I’ve attached a couple of screenshots of the program.


  1. Hallo, I have done some sample calculations and found the following …:
    -Some viscosity data for vapour (partially depending on density of liquid) lead to error for particle size
    E. g. viscosity data for water vapour at low pressure can not be used
    – Increasing density of vapour leads to smaller particle size; should be the opposite I think

    The above may be be outside the valid area the tools works, then should be avoided, or is some sort of error. Maybe you can have a look. Thank you.

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